Booking Begins

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Booking Begins

Booking is now open to Friends!

It feels like a long time since booking opened for the last May Festival – back in February 2020 in fact. Little did we know what lay ahead!

As ever we sat and waited and watched as tickets started to sell in 2020. We have graphs in the office to look at how things are going, and which events are selling well, and which aren’t. It all looked so good. Then of course Covid arrived, and we watched those grpahs go back down as we had to refund everyone and face the prospect of no Festival!

That’s all now hopefully an intersting chapter in the history books. Now we’re excitedly back on sale to the Friends of the Festival – without whom we may well not have weathered the last couple of years of storm. There’s still time if you’d like to take advantage of Priority booking before the public get the chance to buy tickets from 2 March and become a Friend.

Meanwhile we continue to make plans for all our events, and a return to our lovely outreach venues that we haven’t held a concert in for 3 years!